W.L. Craig: Believe Despite Evidence.
Why W.L. Craig doesn't
have the witness of the Holy Spirit.
Christian apologist William Lane
Craig was once asked to pretend to travel in a time machine.
It's the day before Easter 33 CE, and
he's at the tomb of Jesus.
But nothing happens; and after
several weeks, still nothing happens. There's no resurrection.
Jesus is dead in the tomb.
An atheist asked if he would give
up, renounce Christianity then.
After all, he had seen there had
been no resurrection.
Craig said he would still believe in
Jesus and the resurrection.
Moreover, he would assume that a
trick had been played on him.
For he still had the witness of the
"holy spirit" within him.
Source: http://www.jcnot4me.com/
He says that the Holy Spirit witnesses
to Christians so that the Bible or evidence isn't needed to bolster faith.
His conviction would remain intact in
spite of just about anything to the contrary.
Well, but Christians in fact make
their own science and evidence: namely, "The Bible says it, I believe it,
that settles it."
They need the Bible after all,
wanting more than the witness of the Holy Spirit.
W.L. Craig says the Holy Spirit is
enough for him.
He's known for his five-point
argument for the existence of God.
Uh, the argument shouldn't be needed when the witness of the Holy Spirit is enough.
Uh, the argument shouldn't be needed when the witness of the Holy Spirit is enough.
To top it off, his argument for the
existence of God involves strange rhetoric.
For one thing, he's apt to evoke the
name of a reputable scholar, with whom he agrees. Then he establishes what he
calls facts in accordance with that scholar.
Because he agrees with a scholastic
name, he knows the facts to support his argument. They aren't facts because the
scholar is right--they are so-called facts because Craig agrees.
Unfortunately for him, it's non
Then he says “I think I have made it
clear that ...”
But so far, the only thing that he
has done is to agree with some one.
As a result, his rhetoric doesn't
get beyond first base.
It doesn't establish facts.
It doesn't demonstrate reliable facts.
It's empty rhetoric. That's all.
What is more, the scholar in
question is often controversial. But W.L. Craig claims established facts
because of his agreement with the man, anyway.
He hasn't yet succeeded in bringing
a fact to light. But he moves on as if he has.
It's one of his devices.
Or he agrees with the Bible in lieu
of a scholar. Then says he established a fact from
the scripture, because he agrees with it; his M.O is the same--
(Reasonable Faith, W.L. Craig, p. 37)
“Suppose someone had been told to believe in God because of an invalid
argument. Could he stand before God on judgment day and say, ‘God, those
Christians only gave me lousy arguments for believing in you. That is why I
didn't believe’? Of course not! The Bible says
all men are without excuse. Even those who are given no good reason to believe
and many persuasive reasons to disbelieve have no excuse, because the ultimate
reason they do not believe is that they have deliberately rejected God's Holy
All right, he agrees
with the Bible.
In effect, he is saying, "The Bible says it, I believe it, that
settles it."
So big deal.
Meanwhile, like his
scholars, the Bible is controversial.
W.L. Craig doesn't
substantiate anything about what "the Bible says," doesn't present
any corroborating evidence.
For example, he can't
verify that all “deliberately reject God’s Holy Spirit.” He just asserts it and
moves on.
It's only preachment.
Reasonable Faith really comes to Circular Faith.
For example he says @ 1:15 , “Most philosophers will agree that
if God’s existence is even possible, then it follows that God must exist.”
He agrees, of course; so the
existence of God is now an established fact. But as usual he doesn't establish
a fact.
But then he presses on as if he did.
The words “most philosophers will
agree” hasn't got anything to do with it, anyway. A vote can't determine the
existence of God.
W.L. Craig, as well as other Christians,
says he has the witness of the Holy Spirit.
It's how he knows that Christianity
is true.
But Mormons claim it, too; they say it
reveals the truth of Mormonism.
Both sides claim the witness of the
Holy Spirit.
Both sides say the other guy is wrong.
As it seems, the so-called witness
of the Holy Spirit is a strong feeling of certitude. It indicates confidence in
a religious belief. However, that in itself it doesn't indicate truth.
W.L. Craig doesn't
even describe the witness of the Holy Spirit as such.
He only
asserts that there is such a thing.
It goes without saying that W.L. Craig gives no credence to Mormonism. But Mormons claim the witness of the Holy Spirit.
When either
side talks about the witness of the Holy Spirit, they seem to have a mere subjective
point of view. That is, you can't be Roman Catholic, Mormon, and W.L. Craig at
the same time.
All three have
a version of Christianity of their own. And all assert the witness of the Holy
Well, then something's
wrong somewhere.
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